Jan 11, 2010

Saucy Fun With Photoshop (or "Delicious Saucy Balls" Ha!)

I met with a client the other day to discuss an ad that needed to run in a publication handed out to baseball fans. After going round a few times on a concept, I convinced everyone that the ad needed stopping power first and foremost (folks are there to watch a game, not read our ads). The product our ad was supposed to promote was a delicious sauce that my client produces (seriously,... it's freakin' delicious). We had to get that point across pretty quick because I knew we would be fighting for attention with the activities taking place at the game.
We opted to go for a really strong graphic that might catch the eye of a baseball fan, but get the message across that their sauce is yum-yum and versatile. I won't go to far into it, but the concept required some Photoshop know how on my part (here's another, similar project for the same client), plus I had one of those thread-the-needle deadlines, so I didn't have much time to go back and forth on the layout. I needed a plan of action, and quick.
What I've posted here is the finished ad and the photo elements I shot to create the main graphic. I'm not 100% pleased with the final composition of the elements (you know how it is; ad this, move that, what about this color, it has to say such and such, etc., etc.) . However, I think the graphic turned out pretty nice for a quicky, fake-o, chomped on baseball covered in grillin' sauce.
Hope you enjoyed this quick little post. Now, get out there, buy some sauce, then go eat some... balls?
Wait,... that's not right.

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1 comment:

Shawn said...

I love doing these kind of projects in Photoshop. Something very rewarding for me to bring pictures together like this to accomplish the goal. Thanks for sharing!