May 7, 2010

You "Mite" Like This Billboard (or "Local Outdoor Concept Gets The Parker Brand Bump")

Outdoor advertising is one of my favorite forms of communication. That may come from the roots that I laid down in the sign industry when I first got into the advertising field. Like most medium-sized markets, we've got our fair share of billboards. Most of the time they're just more noise on the landscape, but from from time-to-time something really cool will pop up. This time, it popped up right across the street from my office.

So, what's so exceptional about this particular billboard? Well, there are few things, but I'll get to that in a second.

On the surface it looks like just another pest control advertisement. It does the job of telling you who the company is, and what they do. It's not overloaded with text. I do happen to know that the logo was inherited by a local sign company, and then they created a set of graphics for a vehicle-wrap (which is pictured in the layout), and it seems that those graphics have set the tempo for everything you see here. I'm assuming that the jeep is a large part of this company's advertising campaign because I've seen it used in their print advertising as well.

Now, on to the good stuff. This is actually a double-stacked billboard. If you look closely you can see the backside of the board. I think purchasing both boards is a great idea. You get all of the attention that way.

They've utilized an extension from the top of this over-sized outdoor purchase to draw attention to their "100% Effective" message. If that's what they wanted folks to see, then it does the trick.

All of those things are great, but what really made me stop (literally... I pulled over) was the pole. Who uses the pole? In this market, just about no one. This company wants you to know that it's termite season and all of those little termites crawling up the pole do the job just fine. What a creative way to draw a potential customer's eyes up to the message.

This pest control company owns this side of the board, 100%! It's the only board on this side of this particular stretch of highway, so if you're scanning the horizon as you drive then chances are they'll own your attention as well.

I'm not sure which agency advises this particular company. Maybe they make their own media decisions, or maybe they were advised by AdSource Outdoor Advertising. I know that Henry "Rock" Hardy is an experienced outdoor man, so I wouldn't be surprised if this little morsel wasn't cooked up by him.

No matter where is came from, this local piece of advertising get's the Parker Brand Bump! I hope that we see more of this type of creative thinking in this market. Good job!

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